Button ON-OFF


Przycisk on-off na arduino

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const int button = 8;            // GPIO 8 for the button
const int led =7;                // GPIO 7 for the LED
int ledflag=0;                   // LED status flag

void setup() {
  pinMode(button,INPUT);         // define button as an input 
  pinMode(led,OUTPUT);           // define LED as an output
  digitalWrite(led,LOW);         // turn output off just in case

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(button)==HIGH){ // if button is pressed
    if (ledflag==0) {             // and the status flag is LOW
      ledflag=1;                  // make status flag HIGH
      digitalWrite(led,HIGH);     // and turn on the LED
      }                           // 
    else {                        // otherwise...
      ledflag=0;                  // make status flag LOW
      digitalWrite(led,LOW);      // and turn off the LED
  delay(1000);                    // wait a sec for the 
  }                               // hardware to stabilize
}                                 // begin again